... because I have the cutest, silliest, best, most adorable kids ever!! I know im not always this positive about them, but I absolutely LOVE these three crazies!
Abby is now in Kindergarten and she is loving being more independent and making her own choices and I am learning that its okay if she goes to school and doesn't quite match or she wants to wear Christmas socks with her shorts... we try to compromise, but she usually gets her way:) She is also learning that her teacher wants her letters written a certain way and that she cant always put her swirls on the end of her A's and Y's and dot her I's with her huge circles....we are still working on it!! She just loves to have things done just so and as much as it makes me crazy when trying the help with her homework at times...I love it about her!
Emma just began dance class and she LOVES it!! She loves it when I put her hair in a bun (she calls it her tinkerbell hair). She is still making us laugh all day long and is really enjoying having her daddy home and wont let him out of her sight.
Jonas is all BOY!! He is getting so big and it makes me a little sad knowing that he isnt going to be my baby for much longer. He loves anything noisy or dirty! He loves to tease the girls and its funny that even at this age he knows just how to bug them so much. He watches everything they do and is always trying to follow. Just the other day they were jumping from couch to couch and of course Jonas thinks he can do it too...so far no injuries (knock on wood).
Also, a little side note: Aaron started back to work at a DAY SHIFT!!! We have been doing the midnight shift since we have been here (3 1/2 years now) and its so crazy to have him home before 4pm and to sleep with me at night. We finally feel like normal people!! However it is going to take some getting used to to have someone else in the bed at night. I think we will be upgrading to a king very very soon;) But other than that we really cant complain. EVERYTHING is GREAT and life is GOOD!!!
El Escorial and Toledo
1 month ago
What a sweet post! Your kids are adorable. And I'm so happy for you guys that Aaron is on days now; isn't it AWESOME?!
You do have adorable kids! I love Jonas's outfit, he looks so grown up! I love having a king size bed! It's awesome, you don't have to touch at all. That sounds bad huh, lol!
such fun kids -- we're hoping for a KING too!
i too think your kiddies are especially cute. there is something about boys--they are aggressive and learn teasing quick. and again, i agree with you that i think it is funny. although, i really hope to be done with boys. michael is just to much work--he's naughty!
and i am really gald that you work about your feeling excited about flying into paris. i loved reading it. youre smart to get that stamp in your passport. i want one.
i just dropped my parents off at the airport today. they are going to paris.
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