Jonas is hilarious. Im always amazed at how this little boys mind works. He reminds me a lot of his dad based on stories I hear about him as a kid. A few examples this week. One was when Aaron and I were trying to get the kids to eat their veggies at dinner. We finally bribed them with ice-cream to eat them. Emma tried and quickly threw it up (but that is another story). Jonas ate two pieces of his squash and when I could tell he really didn't like it I told him I was happy he tried it, but didn't have to eat any more. He later asked me if he could get ice-cream for trying other new foods. I agreed. He thought for a moment then said "I don't think I have ever tried french toast." Nice try Jonas. Another fun conversation. Jonas (pointing to the arm rest on his booster) "Daddy what's this for?" (He asks a LOT of questions daily) Aaron "its an arm rest" Jonas "oh good! I played a lot at recess and my arms are super tired". Oh Jonas! Little boy I love you so much! You are so sweet and kind to your sisters and brother. You are always telling Emma how she is a pretty princess. We are working on your little addiction to the wii and computer games, but I love how interested you are in everything. You ask so many questions and are always wanting to learn new things. While waiting for the girls after school you want to practice spelling and math. You are so smart! I love you. I am so lucky to have you and lucky that I get to be your mom.
El Escorial and Toledo
2 months ago
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